The Influence of School Culture and Work Motivation on School Quality in Vocational Schools


  • Khoirul Anwar Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, Indonesia
  • Azhariah Rahman Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nurwahidin Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
  • Sutrisno Sutrisno Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
  • Nanda Saputra STIT Al-Hilal Sigli



School Culture, Work Motivation, School Quality, Vocational Schools


This article describes the influence of school culture and work motivation on school quality at SMKN 1 Pungging Mojokerto. This article has used quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population in this study were all teachers at SMKN 1 Pungging Mojokerto, totaling 111, while the people used 87 respondents. The results showed that 1. School culture significantly influences school quality with a significance value of t of 0.00. 2. Work motivation significantly affects school quality with a significance value of t of 0.000. 3. Simultaneously, school culture and work motivation significantly influence school quality with a calculated F value of 32.876 with an F significance value of 0.000 and a regression coefficient R2 of 43.9%.


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How to Cite

Anwar, K., Rahman, A. ., Nurwahidin, M., Sutrisno, S., & Saputra, N. (2023). The Influence of School Culture and Work Motivation on School Quality in Vocational Schools. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 4(3), 430–445.