Collaborative-Based Principal Academic Supervision on Teacher Competence
Collaborative Academic Supervision, Teacher Competence, Implementation, ChallengeAbstract
Supervision is the practice of keeping an eye on academic activities such as the teaching and learning process, supervising teachers. At the same time, they teach, supervising students while they learn, and monitoring the situations that lead to them. This research aims to investigate the program and the implementation of the collaborative-based principal academic supervision program to improve teacher competency and its challenges at Muamalat Solidarity Boarding School in Aceh Besar District. This study combines both a qualitative and descriptive strategy. The research subjects include school supervisors, principals, and teachers. Data collection methods include observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data display, and making conclusions. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The collaborative design of the principal academic supervision program led has the potential to improve teacher competency in the classroom learning process. 2) The collaborative-based academic supervision program led by the school principal was carried out under the Ministry of Education and Culture's (MPPKS-PKG) standards, beginning with supervision planning and ending with evaluation, 3) School supervisors and principals continue to be constrained by a lack of time to conduct academic supervision, and some instructors are still unprepared to be overseen by school supervisors and leaders.
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