Service Innovation Model in Boarding School Programs for New Students at Islamic Higher Education
Innovation, Higher Education, Ma'had Al-Jami'ahAbstract
This research seeks a service innovation model at Ma'had Al-Jami'ah, a unit at an Islamic religious university in Indonesia, both during the Covid-19 pandemic and its sustainability after the pandemic subsided. This research is based on field studies using a mix-method with a sequential exploratory design. Observations, documentation, interviews, and questionnaires with a sample of 172 students are used to gather the data. As for analysis techniques: preparing data to be analyzed, exploring data, conducting post-exploration data analysis, selecting data that represents the results of the analysis, displaying the interpretation of the results, and validating the data and results. The results show that service innovation is carried out using a configuration model through the application of CLER (configuration, linkage, environment, resources) based on the use of technology to deal with existing situations and the application of five innovation characteristics. The implementation of service innovation is directed at information and registration, learning, and evaluation services. Based on the existing sample, the percentage of students participating in the Islamic boarding school program in the BTA-PPI competency test reached 78%.
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