Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (ISSN: 2798-1533) is a journal published by Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto is published twice times a year (June and December).
Author Guidelines
Please prepare your script before sending, using the following guidelines:
The article file must be written in Microsoft Word format. We do not accept other formats, such as LaTex files or PDFs.
Article Length
The article's length ranges from 10-16 pages, including references. 4500 of 6500 words
Article Organization
The body of the article should be set (at least) using an IMRaD structure like the following:
- » Abstract
- » Introduction
- » Method
- » Result
- » Discussion
- » Conclusion
- » References
- » Acknowledgement* [*optional]
ABSTRACT. The abstract contains the main objectives of the study, the methods used, research findings, and conclusions. Abstract written in English and Bahasa Indonesia to use it late font Garamond 10 pt, using single line spacing between lines. Left indent 2.5 cm and right indent 0 cm and abstract length between 150 to 250 words. Keywords need to be included to describe the realm of the problem under study and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the study. Keywords can be single words or compound words. The number of keywords is around 3-5 words. These keywords are needed for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easy with these keywords.
INTRODUCTION. Content in the introduction, must contain: first, presentation of the main research or study topics; second, contains the latest literature related to citing the latest research literature (the last ten years) which has relevance to the article being studied; third, it can show gaps that have not been filled by previous studies, inconsistencies or controversies that arise between the existing literature; fourth, contain the problem, the purpose of the research or study, the context of the research or study, and the unit of analysis used in the study; and fifth, displaying what is discussed in the structure of the article.
METHOD. The method section describes the steps that were passed in executing the research or study. Therefore, it is necessary to show in detail to the reader why the method used is reliable and valid in presenting research findings. The research methods section should be able to explain the research methods used, including how the procedures are implemented, an explanation of the tools, materials, media or instruments used, an explanation of the research design, population and sample (research targets), data collection techniques, instrument development, and technique of data analysis. Writing subtitles in the method should be included in the paragraph instead of bullets, or numbering. For qualitative research such as classroom action research, case studies, etc., it is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, informants who helped along with ways to explore research data, location and duration of research as well as a description of checking the validity of research results.
RESULT. The main provisions in writing research or study findings are as follows: 1) present the research or study findings briefly, while still providing sufficient detail to support conclusions, 2) may use tables or pictures, but do not repeat the same information, by providing narration at the bottom of the table or picture so that the reader can understand the tables or pictures presented by the author, and 3) each research finding or study must be interpreted properly using standard spelling. Data analysis processes such as statistical calculations or hypothesis testing processes need not be presented, only the results of the analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be reported. Tables or graphs can be used by the author to describe the results of research or studies found verbally, by providing narration or comments at the bottom of the tables or graphs by referring to previous research results contained in reputable scientific journals both internationally and nationally.
DISCUSSION. The discussion section aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research or study questions; (2) shows how the findings were obtained or found; (3) interpret the findings; (4) linking research findings or studies with established knowledge structures; and (5) bring up new theories or modifications to existing theories, by comparing the results of previous studies that have been published in reputable journals. In answering the formulation of the problem or research questions, the results of the study must be concluded explicitly regarding previous research. Interpretation of research findings or studies can be done using empirical logic based on existing theories or previous research results in reputable journals both international and national, while findings in the form of reality in the field are integrated or linked to the results of previous studies or with existing theories. For this purpose, the author is required to refer to international journals (Scopus) and national journals (Sinta).
CONCLUSION. The conclusion consists of a summary of the article that presents a summary of the results of research that has been carried out and is the answer to the formulation of the problem. Conclusions must be aligned with the formulation of the problem and research objectives. If the conclusion is more than one, then it’s written using numbering numbers in paragraphs, not by using bullets, and the writer can also add the prospect of development of the results of the research or study as well as how to further implications will be the prospects of research or further research.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT. If needed, the author can add appreciation to this section.
References. Bibliography writing must use the Zotero application for citations and APA 7th (American Psychological Association 7th edition) as a reference style.
Article Title
The title of the article should be written in English, approximately 16 words, and describe the research or study conducted, with Garamond font 16 spaces 1.
Author Details
All contributing author names must be added, and their names are set in the correct order of publication. The author's affiliation is written in full, not abbreviated. All author email addresses must be correctly listed. Each author's full name must exist in exactly the format as it will be displayed for publication, including or excluding the necessary middle name or initials.
Authors must declare all external research funding sources in their articles and statements for this effect should appear in the Acknowledgments section. No source of research funding comes from the personal, no need to include it in Acknowledgments.
Abstract structure
The author must write abstracts in English and Bahasa Indonesia with the correct structure, which includes:
- » Purpose
- » Method
- » Findings
- » Recommendations
The abstract length is between 150 to 200 words.