Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Muhammad Anas Ma`arif Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Tafkir:</strong> Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education (ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-4975</a>) is a journal published by Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education is published quarterly as a media for scientific communication of academicians in the study of Islamic Education of Indonesia based on Interdisciplinary Research. Editors invite academicians to contribute their thoughts either in the form of research results, in-depth study, or book reviews in accordance with the discipline owned. The script is original, has not been published in other media. The manuscripts are preferably from research results and written in either English or Arabic.</p> The Values of Islamic Education for Building Tolerance in the Jombang Community: A Qualitative Study of the Role of Religious Harmony Forum 2024-09-06T04:23:06+00:00 Achmad Anwar Abidin Izzul Fatawi Shakila Kausar <p>The people of Jombang have proven their ability to coexist peacefully despite significant differences. However, with the emergence of increasing global challenges such as radicalism and intolerance, it is important to strengthen the foundations of tolerance through education. The integration of Islamic educational values has the potential to be an effective solution to face this challenge. This research aims to explore how the values of Islamic education can be integrated into the life of the people of Jombang and how it can strengthen tolerant behavior. This research was conducted in Jombang Regency, East Java Province, with the research subject of the Jombang Regency Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) consisting of 17 interfaith and group figures. The research method used is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The integration of Islamic educational values in the life of the people of Jombang goes through four stages of process, namely<em>, ta'aruf</em> (knowing each other), <em>tafahum</em> (understanding each other), <em>ta'awun</em> (helping each other), and <em>takafful</em> (mutual guarantee), which is hierarchical. In addition, one important process covers the four stages, namely the ta'alum (mutual learning) process, which is carried out simultaneously with the four stages. From this study, it can be proven that the integration of Islamic educational values carried out by FKUB Jombang Regency has strengthened tolerant behavior, strengthened social bonds, and encouraged better community cohesion in the Jombang community.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Achmad Anwar Abidin, Izzul Fatawi, Shakila Kausar Integration of Sustainable Development Goals in Islamic Teaching Materials in Higher Education 2024-09-06T22:56:35+00:00 Ega Nasrudin Saepul Anwar Edi Suresman Utami Qonita Rahmi Deden Syarif Hidayatulloh Fatimah Ezzahrah binti Ahmad Lokman <p>This research aims to analyze the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Islamic teaching materials in higher education. The research method used is a case study design. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation studies of existing Islamic teaching materials. The data analysis process was carried out through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing using FGD (Focus Group Discussion) technique. The results showed that the Islamic Religion course integrated various dimensions of the SDGs in the teaching materials. The social inclusion dimension proved to be the most dominant dimension, found in every chapter of Islamic Religion teaching materials. In contrast, the dimensions of environmental protection and economic growth tend to have less representation, found in only nine chapters of the entire teaching material. These findings are expected to be taken into consideration for the government in formulating regulations for the preparation of teaching materials that support the achievement of SDGs through the education sector. This research also emphasizes the importance of SDGs integration in higher education. The researcher recommends that similar studies be conducted by expanding the scope of locations, not only limited to one university.</p> 2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ega Nasrudin, Saepul Anwar, Edi Suresman, Utami Qonita Rahmi, Deden Syarif Hidayatulloh, Fatimah Ezzahrah binti Ahmad Lokman Organizational Management Implementation in Jumat Berjihat Activities as Student Character Education 2024-09-09T23:18:14+00:00 Sarrah Dwiananda Mayasafira <p>This research aims to examine the implementation of the organizational management of the "JUMAT BERJIHAT" character education program at SMP Negeri 1 Turi, Lamongan, where the existence of this program was motivated by the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency cases. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods and is strengthened by management theory by James A. F. Stoner and Charles Wankel. The results of this research show that the character education program "JUMAT BERJIHAT" at SMP Negeri 1 Turi, Lamongan, runs smoothly. The students are thrilled with this program because it can improve the religious spirit, and the parents are also happy because there are positive changes in their children and teachers. Teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Turi, Lamongan, were very united in participating in this activity. However, initially, the students at SMP Negeri 1 Turi, Lamongan, still needed to get used to this activity, but now they are enthusiastic about this program. Organizational management has also been implemented with a process structure of planning, organizing, leadership and controlling organizational efforts and the use of all other organizational resources to achieve organizational goals.</p> 2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sarrah Dwiananda Mayasafira Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Improving the Quality of Education at State Islamic Senior High Schools 2024-09-22T02:55:46+00:00 Muna Hatija Akhsanul In'am Khozin Faridi <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Implementing the Independent Curriculum is increasingly urgent in efforts to improve the quality of education that is more flexible, relevant, and adaptive to students' needs. However, problems are still related to the effective implementation of the independent curriculum in educational institutions, especially at the Islamic-based madrasa level. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation strategy of the Independent Curriculum at MAN Palopo, as well as to identify the challenges faced and opportunities that can be optimized. Using a qualitative method with a case study type, this study found several main strategies, such as classroom adjustments, digital skills development through technology, interest-based learning, and intensive teacher training. The main findings show that MAN Palopo has demonstrated a high commitment to implementing the Independent Curriculum, including integrating technology and project-based learning, but faces limited facilities, time management, and teacher training that still needs improvement. The implications of this study include the need to improve facilities and infrastructure, fulfil the need for technological devices, ongoing training for teachers, and more efficient time management to ensure that the implementation of the Independent Curriculum runs optimally and sustainably.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muna Hatija, Akhsanul In'am, Khozin, Faridi Development of Islamic Akidah Education in Facing the Era of Society 5.0 2024-09-02T12:33:31+00:00 Muhammad Nur Effendi Suriagiri Mudhiah <p>This study explores the development of Islamic creed education in the era of Society 5.0, focusing on technology integration and the challenges faced. The method used is qualitative, with a case study analysis of several Islamic educational institutions and interviews with educators and parents. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies to understand the application of technology in creed education and its impact on the teaching and learning process. The results show that technology integration in Islamic creed education provides significant benefits in increasing the accessibility of teaching materials, enriching teaching methods, and facilitating better interaction between teachers and students. Technologies such as mobile applications, e-learning platforms, and visual aids have expanded the way teaching materials are delivered and made it easier for students to understand the concepts of the creed. However, significant challenges arise from resistance to change, concerns about negative impacts on Islamic values, and the need for educators to be trained to utilize technology effectively. This research emphasizes the importance of a careful and planned approach to integrating technology so that Akidah education remains relevant and aligned with religious principles while accommodating technological developments.</p> 2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Nur Effendi, Suriagiri, Mudhiah Moderation of Thought in the Age of Radicalism: The Role of Social Media and Political Education in Countering Hate Content 2024-10-20T00:37:30+00:00 Munawiah Abdullah M. Hasbi Amiruddin Ernita Dewi Nuraini H. A. Mannan <p>This study analyzes the role of social media and political education in moderating thought in the era of radicalism, particularly in dealing with hate content. Social media plays a dual role: disseminating useful information and spreading hate content that incites radicalism. This article uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods. The research location is in the Province of Aceh. Primary data consists of in-depth interviews with local intellectuals, including academics, religious scholars, and community leaders. The results show that social media significantly influences public opinion and people's mindsets. However, through proper political education, social media can be used to spread values of moderation and tolerance and reduce the impact of hate content. Political education that is inclusive and based on national and humanitarian values has proven effective in instilling a moderate attitude. A curriculum emphasizing dialogue, tolerance, and respect for differences is crucial.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Munawiah Abdullah, Ernita Dewi, Nuraini H. A. Mannan, M. Hasbi Amiruddin The Challenges of Developing Islamic Education Curriculum and Strategies for Its Development in Facing Future Competency Demands 2024-10-30T15:27:33+00:00 Zainuddin Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah <p>The development of the Islamic education curriculum encounters various complex challenges stemming from both internal and external factors. Key challenges include the dynamics of globalization, socio-cultural changes, technological advancements, and the need to balance religious values with 21st-century competencies. This study examines these challenges, focusing on issues such as rapid technological progress, the integration of global and local values, and strategies for developing a curriculum that is relevant, flexible, and aligned with modern educational goals. Employing a qualitative approach, the research utilizes literature reviews and expert interviews to analyze the dynamics of curriculum development in Islamic education. The findings reveal that the challenges faced by Islamic education significantly impact both its internal and external dimensions. Internal challenges include achieving the eight national education standards, addressing the demographic bonus resulting from Indonesia's population growth, and tackling character development issues. To remain competitive in the era of globalization and produce graduates who meet contemporary demands, Islamic education must focus on developing human resources capable of adapting to current and future needs. On the other hand, external challenges are more forward-looking, requiring Islamic education to prepare for future demands related to social issues, advancements in technology and information, the growth of creative and cultural industries, and the internationalization of education, including the pursuit of world-class university standards.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Zainuddin, Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah